Re-live the grand adventure or to experience it here for the first time through the video documentary, the media, the photos or the comments of the people who were there.
It was a truly special time in the lives of everyone involved - from Bill Perks who first decided to take on the "impossible dream" of restoring the boat in time for OpSail '86; to John Stevens who thought "wouldn't it be cool if..." and started videotaping the entire enterprise; to the hundreds of friends, family and volunteers who contributed everything they could to make the whole thing a weird and wonderful adventure - with a thoroughly happy ending.
Feel free to share your comments, photos or videos on the Your Thoughts page. And, btw, the last known location of the Little Jennie was in Bar Harbor, Maine. So, if anyone has any news of her status, please contact us, or leave a comment...
Learn more about the Little Jennie with new photos from the 1940's on the Photos page and read about the boat during this period from a comment by Sylvia Crouter on the Your Thoughts page.
- The original script for the "Freedom's Glory" documentary. Amazing.
- Tom Lederer's article written for the Long Island section of the New York Times on Sunday, August 12, 1984.
- An absolute classic - the artwork promoting the premier at the New Community Cinema.
- Review of "Freedom's Glory" documentary in the Film Folio published by the New Community Cinema.
- Breakthrough review of "Freedom's Glory" documentary in Newsday.
- Dave Ambro's review of documentary in Northport Observer 11-13-86
- Remember this logo?
- Long Islander story about the early fundraiser at Shamrock Pub. 06-13-85
- Even insuring the boat made news! Long Islander 06-20-85
- Carl Ring and the Svanen to the rescue. Long Islander 07-11-85
- Check out this "Pre-Operation Little Jennie" brochure.
- Newsday Article on Launching 08-17-85
- Whatever happened to Roberto Bessin's Maritime Heritage Award Sculpture?
- Invitation to the Launching
- Ad Promoting the Jazz Festival 08-26-85
- Beautiful Pen-and-Ink Drawing by Pat Olds - with the Huntington Lighthouse
- Color Tri-fold Brochure
- Paul Townsend Pushing through the Long Island Business News 12-04-85
- Story of John MacLeod's Painting
- LibertyPort Article in Long Islander 06-19-86
- Captain's Ball Ad
- Captain's Ball Invitation
- Little Jennie's return to Solomon's Island
- Update on the Little Jennie's whereabouts Tom Lederer wrote for the New York Times on Oct. 25, 1998.